April of 2021 I ordered a new lathe. I determined I need more power, ability to turn larger bowls, and the ability to core those larger bowls. The lathe was scheduled to arrive in July 2021. I waited, and waited past numerous delays and delivery dates. In February 2022 after another deadline setback, I purchased the new lathe you see above. It arrived early March, is set up and ready to turn.
My wood inventory is growing, and now I am able to turn all this wonderful stock I have been accumulating. I have bowl blanks in English Walnut, Cherry, Maple, Madrona, Sycamore, Sweet Gum, Beech, Oak, and a few misc. species.

RicWoodworking is currently at the Ballard Farmers Market every Sunday 9 -2 and we begin Vashon Farmers Market on Saturdays mid April. We are also attending some Art Festivals this year. Oregon Winterfest was in February; we are at Edmonds Art Festival June 17-19; Bellevue Arts Fair July 29-31; and hopeful we are juried into Park City Utah, and Art in the Pearl Portland Oregon in August and September. Wishing all a wonderful spring and hoping to see you soon.