This is out of context of wooden bowls and handcarving kitchen utensils; but it has been an ongoing very fun project. My teachers (laoshi’s) at Wudang Internal Martial Arts Academy asked me to build wooden swords for san jian (sword sparring). Typically we use bamboo swords or foam swords which are round. While they are often used, they do not help in understanding when to use the edge of the sword, the broad side of the sword, when the sword should be flat etc.

Wooden tai chi sparring swords are made with hardwood; ash typically for the blade. I used a few exotic woods for the handles and pommels. I have constructed 16 sparring swords thus far and we are using these swords for practice in san jian at the school frequently. While currently out of stock, if I receive more requests, I will build more swords. The first ones sold at $ 100.00 per sword. I will try to keep pricing similar; that means building multiple swords in a small production run.
All Good Wishes